My Digital Marketing Strategy Isn't Working Can Inbound Help?

Posted by David Terry on August 11, 2015



Each week I talk to many prospective clients who say their digital marketing strategy isn't working. It doesn't take long to uncover why.  Blogging without promoting on social media doesn't cut it. You can’t just write for SEO without knowing who you’re writing for and what their problems are. And your beautiful new eBook won’t see any downloads if it is never used as an offer in CTAs. And never rely on AdWords as the sole source of your website traffic, among many others reasons.

My Digital Marketing Strategy Isn't Working ... So What Do I Do?

If this statement sounds familiar, it may be time to examine what your digital marketing strategy actually is.

Often parts of the digital marketing strategy are operating in silos. Isolating some digital marketing tactics while going full-out on others just doesn't work, therefore your digital strategy, itself, might be the problem.

So let’s dive into the solution.  The strategy that will help you best will bring together all your disparate digital components, integrate them and make them work together in harmony, just like a well rehearsed orchestra.

We call this methodology Inbound Marketing and you'll need a complete review of your strategy to make Inbound Marketing work for your company. The whole of Inbound Marketing is much stronger than the sum of its parts.

Here are some of the major pieces of the Inbound Marketing Strategy that you should consider:

  • Buyer Personas: These semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers give you a specific person to aim your Inbound Marketing strategies at. It takes thorough examination of your customers and prospects to craft your main personas, but once you’ve got them, you can more clearly segment your audience into the different types of customers you have. The buyer persona becomes the basis for your content or campaigns you create: from blog posts to eBooks to social media pushes, your personas are at the heart of what you do.
  • Blogging: I've written on what makes an effective business blog before, but the goal is to generate consistent content that can mix with your other Inbound Marketing strategies. The blog has to engage with your buyer personas. You should promote it on Social Media. It’s this mixing of the various Inbound Marketing elements that brings traffic and engagement to your blogging.
  • Social Media: Sometimes we think of social media as the holy grail of audience engagement. But if you don’t have something great to offer them, why would they follow or click on your posts? This is where your blogging and premium content are king. Social media needs to work hard to show your followers your brand is worth engaging with, hopefully in a clickthrough. Be the brand who identifies your ideal customers’ pain points, solves them in an eBook or blog post, and gets the word out through social media.
  • Premium content: If you’re an expert in your field, write an eBook or create an infographic. It doesn’t need to be long or profound, but you do need to solve your audience’s problems in a relatable, enlightening way. Imagine coming all this way--crafting the content, nailing the design, and devising a campaign around its release--only to learn you didn’t answer the questions your personas are really asking, or write in a tone they found engaging. Buyer persona research from the start could have changed this path completely.

By focusing on one the Inbound Marketing Methodology, you can commit to becoming a better resource for your target audience, which will in turn drive website traffic and more customers.


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About Terry Marketing

The Brit Agency is an Inbound Marketing Agency providing SEO, Website, Social Media and marketing automation conversion services to small and medium sized businesses. We're focused on generating traffic, leads and sales and we're experts in the Inbound Marketing, lead generation process and how to increase website traffic, leads and website conversion rates. The Brit Agency is a Gold level Hubspot Partner, a certified HootSuite Partner and Ambassador agency, and a certified Google Badged Agency Partner.


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing, Buyer Persona